Illustration Works

Type of Work: Digital Illustration
Software used: Adobe Photoshop
Purpose of Work: School Project
Date Created: April 2010

This illustration of hell was inspired by my trip to Hawpar Villa. With all the Hell punishments I have seen in the different sculptures within Hawpar Villa I have come up with these images and put them all together to show how hell is like. The punishments that I have in this illustration are mainly based on the seven capital sins according to the Christian Bible. With these two concepts I have come up with my own personal idea through creating this illustration.

Being a Filipino
Type of Work: Pastel Painting Collage
Software used: Adobe Photoshop (color adjustments only)
Purpose of Work: School Project
Date Created: June 2008

This illustration represents my identity and pride as a Filipino. It shows different things that tells a lot about my country such as the Philippine Eagle, the Philippine national dress for men and women, the map of the Philippines and a lot more things that tells the story of what my country is like. The colors that are used in this illustration are the colors of the Philippine flag mainly red, yellow and blue.

The Hell Throne
Type of Work: Digital Illustration
Software used: Adobe Photoshop
Purpose of Work: School Project
Date Created: April 2010

The theme is is still hell which mainly is saying something about how it would be like when a person goes to hell and how he will be welcomed by Satan in his throne. This scene shows Satan with his two mistresses and his two body guards with the guy who just reached hell. At the background are eyes signifying the demons that are hidden in the technicolor darkness with their red eyes focused on the new hell dweller.

Hell Monster
Type of Work: Digital Illustration
Software used: Adobe Photoshop
Purpose of Work: School Project
Date Created: April 2010

This is the monster who devours those people who are sentenced to go to Hell because of the sin of sloth. This monster eats human flesh and leaves only the bones and eat the flesh all throughout leaving no part left uneaten. This scene shows the monster having a pair of legs on his mouth and holding a guy on his right arm and a woman on his left arm showing that everybody is equal in the punishment in hell.

Fear of Spiders 1
Type of Work: Digital Illustration
Software used: Adobe Photoshop (for coloring)
Purpose of Work: School Project
Date Created: February 2010

Having a fear of spiders inspired me to create this illustration for a project about phobias. This scene shows a boy tied in a cross with a spider at the back about to devour him. It shows my feeling when I see big spiders at a certain place and I felt like I am trapped and got no where to stay at that particular place at that point in time. Regarding the way this illustration is done, I first make a manual drawing and later on scanned it and apply the colors in photoshop.

Fear of Spiders 2
Type of Work: Digital Illustration
Software used: Adobe Photoshop (for coloring)
Purpose of Work: School Project
Date Created: February 2010

In connection with the Illustration on top this work is also suggesting the same theme as well. The feeling expressed in this illustration is the extreme disgust and doomed feeling that I felt when I am in places such as old houses, or even at my own room when everything is so messy and I get to become too nervous and paranoid thinking that spiders are just around hiding somewhere.

Noise and Silence
Type of Work: Painting
Medium used: Oil Pastel
Purpose of Work: School Project
Date Created: February 2008

The brightly colored pointed objects in this illustration shows the abstract idea of noise in a visual form while the round cool colored objects show the abstract idea of silence. These illustration shows how the two abstract ideas differ from each other and show how they would be like if they would be in a single scenario. Being a pointy object, Noise is a very aggressive and explosive idea that shows how much it shows its strength through the representation of bright colors when it is seen by our naked eyes. On the other hand being roundish and cool colored, silence as it is itself shows calmness and peacefulness without too much attention taking from our eyes as what cool color is like.

Type of Work: Painting
Medium used: Oil Pastel
Purpose of Work: School Project
Date Created: February 2008

As soup is hot and so is the color used here which is the hot yellow plus some orange to show delightful feeling when one does have a taste of it. This color combination raises appetite as bright warm colors like orange does when a person sees them. With the circular arrangement of the naturally shaped figures in this illustration it shows how a soup is being stirred up and is being combined all together with all of its ingredients go together to form itself.

Below are the illustrations that I did for a comic strip (The Enlightened) project that i had in my illustration class in NAFA 

The Enlightened
Type of Work: Digital Illustration
Software used: Adobe Photoshop
Purpose of Work: School Project
Date Created: May 2010

All of these illustrations above showing a monk character are illustrations for a comic strip project. This comic is about a monk who had to run an errand for his master and along the way he met some trouble about some temptations and being a person of excellence and virtue he had overcome all them and continued through the path of righteousness and integrity going to his way towards  the Buddha temple.