Animation Works

 Bloody Night
Animation Technique: Traditional Animation
Software(s) used: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro
Creation Purpose: School Project
Date Created: October 2010 

This is my first animation project and it is something I am very proud of. As an artist I love action packed stuff with lots of mind blowing and adrenaline pumping scenes. It had been my main identity as a designer where people know me as someone who loves violent genres and action movies but as time passes by it changed. Nevertheless I am still proud of this work and I will still keep producing works that are quite similar to this one. It is something that really shows my inner thoughts.

Is This Real?
Animation Technique: 3D Animation
Software(s) used: Autodesk Maya,Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Soundtrack Pro
Creation Purpose: School Project
Date Created: May 2011 

This animation shows how a cartoon character interacts with a ball and a rice sack within the bustop while they are waiting for a bus. It was a ball exhibition and later turned into a competition between the cartoon character and the rice sack. This is my first 3D animation work and I felt that I have done it quite successfully. I am really thankful to my teachers of being able to have achieved this project.

Abstract Morphing Animation

Animation Technique: Traditional Abstract Animation
Software(s) used: Cacani, Adobe Premiere Pro, Soundtrack Pro
Creation Purpose: Software Testing
Date Created: June 2011 

This animation is made up traditionally in a software called Cacani which is a software still currently under development at NTU Gamelab. I was an intern doing Beta testing at the Gamelab when I did this work. It was a job that I felt I did well with my throughts about life and death. All drawings in this animation are done through a wacom tablet. It really thought me how to be able to make swift digital drawings and sketches


Show Intro Animation
Animation Technique: 3D Animation
Software(s) used: Autodesk Maya,Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Soundtrack Pro
Creation Purpose: Project (proposal)
Date Created: March 2011 

This particular work is something that I created for a friend as a proposal for a TV show into animation. My friend's father was the producer of the so called TV show and he asked me to do a proposed animated video for the show intro. This show is showcasing different dishes from different countries thats why there are maps of different countries in this somehow abstract animation.

Animation Technique: Experimental Animation (Clay Animation)
Software(s) used: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, 
Creation Purpose: Personalized Work
Date Created: November 2011

Having curiosity towards animation made me create this experimental work of art. With my enthusiasm in clay modeling and abstract thinking I have thought of this concept of anxiety and expressing this thought through an animation that shows abstract stuff instead of the typical animation that people would be expecting. Going out of my comfort zone is what this work is about in terms of the work comfort zone that I as a designer is something that I am into.

Manual Handling
Animation Technique: 2D Animation
Software(s) used: Adobe Flash, Adobe Premiere Pro, Soundtrack Pro
Creation Purpose: Safety at Work Animation Contest
Date Created: April 2011

This is an animation I created using Flash. This is showing how to carry things in a working environment the right way without hurting or injuring yourself. This animation is composed of layers put on together to create the animation that includes the character and environment. With minor techniques of layer movements depth of field is somehow given emphasis on this animation.

Save Our Smile
Animation Technique: 3D Animation
Software(s) used: Autodesk Maya, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Soundtrack Pro
Creation Purpose: School Project
Date Created: November 2011

This project is done by Thanh and me. Thanh was my classmate whom I group up with in this project. He did the environment and embellishment modelings plus the smoke effects while I did the modeling of the character, rigging, character animation and vanishing into particle effects plus the sound design.

Feed Me If You Dare
Animation Technique: Kinetic Typography
Software(s) used:Adobe After Effects
Creation Purpose: School Project
Date Created: November 2011

This is a project that I have done in my Digital Visual Effects. Within this particular project we have to give life to the characters in the Dialogue or Monologue who will be talking through animating the words that they are saying that goes with how they said it and how they act in the visuals which is the video or movie the certain sound is taken from.